Kathy Blair

Kathy Blair was the founder of Children FIRST and the director for many years. She chose the name Children FIRST because children are children first and therapy should be about the whole child, not just the delay or disability. Kathy was committed to full inclusion - providing therapy in the child’s home, the child care classroom, and/or in the Children FIRST toddler preschool program alongside peers without delays or disabilities. The toddler program provided a fun, language-rich environment that created tremendous opportunities for all children to grow in every area of development, including socially and emotionally. These services continue today and have expanded considerably.
Currently, Kathy is a long time Children FIRST board member. Kathy is the Director of Coaching, Consultation and Special Projects for Child Care Aware of Eastern Washington with Community-Minded Enterprises. She continues working in her passion of supporting quality care for all children. Early Achievers provides many free supports for licensed child care centers and family home providers which includes mentoring, coaching, college scholarships, and training.